T4 Gearboxes

The T4 Transporter was available as either a 5 speed manual or 4 speed automatic gearbox. The gearbox code is located on a flat surface on the gearbox…it’ll be covered in years of grime so you’ll have to get scraping to see it. It should also be on a sticker near the fuse box or on the inside cover of the service book if you’ve got one..


1.8Petrol(PD Engine Code)228mm
2.0Petrol(AAC Engine Code)228mm
1.9Diesel(1X Engine Code)215mm
1.9Turbo Diesel(ABL Engine Code)215mm
2.4Diesel(AAB Engine Code)215mm
2.4Diesel(AJA Engine Code)219mm (Dual Mass Flywheel)
2.5Petrol(AAF Engine Code)228mm
2.5Petrol(ACU Engine Code)228mm
2.5Petrol(AEN Engine Code)228mm
2.5Petrol(AEU Engine Code)228mm
2.5Petrol(AET Engine Code)228mm
2.5Petrol(APL Engine Code)228mm
2.5Petrol(AVT Engine Code)228mm
2.5TDI219mm (Dual Mass Flywheel)

Gearbox Codes


Gearbox CodeTypeOil CapacityYear
AFK02GManual5 Speed2,308/1995 to 07/1999
AFL02GManual5 Speed2,308/1995 to 07/1999
AYD02BManual5 Speed2,506/1990 to 08/1991
AYE02BManual5 Speed2,506/1990 to 08/1991
AYF02BManual5 Speed2,506/1990 to 08/1991
AYG02BManual5 Speed2,508/1991 to 08/1992
CCW02BManual5 Speed2,508/1991 to 08/1992
CCX02BManual5 Speed2,508/1991 to 08/1992
CCY02BManual5 Speed2,508/1991 to 08/1992
CCZ02BManual5 Speed2,508/1991 to 08/1992
CHP02BManual5 Speed2,508/1992 to 08/1993
CHR02BManual5 Speed2,509/1992 to 08/1993
CHS02BManual5 Speed2,509/1992 to 08/1993
CHT02BManual5 Speed2,509/1992 to 08/1993
CPV02BManual5 Speed2,501/1994 to 02/1995
CPW02BManual5 Speed2,501/1994 to 12/1995
CRL02BManual5 Speed2,509/1993 to 12/1995
CRM02BManual5 Speed2,509/1993 to 12/1995
CRN02BManual5 Speed2,509/1993 to 12/1995
CRP02BManual5 Speed2,509/1993 to 12/1995
DCU02BManual5 Speed2,501/1996 to 05/1997
DCV02BManual5 Speed2,501/1996 to 05/1997
DCW02BManual5 Speed2,501/1996 to 05/1997
DCX02BManual5 Speed2,501/1996 to 05/1997
DJZ02BManual5 Speed2,501/1996 to 05/1997
DKA02BManual5 Speed2,501/1996 to 05/1997
DQG02BManual5 Speed2,506/1997 to 09/2000
DQH02BManual5 Speed2,506/1997 to 09/2000
DQJ02BManual5 Speed2,506/1997 to 09/2000
DQK02BManual5 Speed2,506/1997 to 09/2000
DQL02BManual5 Speed2,506/1997 to 09/2000
DQM02BManual5 Speed2,506/1997 to 09/2000
DQR02BManual5 Speed2,307/1999 to 06/2003
DRH02GManual5 Speed2,707/1999 to 06/2003
DUH02BManual5 Speed2,506/1998 to 09/2000
DUJ02BManual5 Speed2,506/1998 to 09/2000
DXZ02GManual5 Speed2,307/1999 to 06/2003
DYA02GManual5 Speed2,307/1999 to 06/2003
EEZ02GManual5 Speed2,305/1998 to 07/1999
EFA02GManual5 Speed2,703/1998 to 07/1999
EVU02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EVV02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EVW02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EVX02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EVY02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EVZ02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EWA02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
EWB02BManual5 Speed2,509/2000 to 06/2003
FJS02GManual5 Speed2,303/2001 to 06/2003
FTV02GManual5 Speed2,304/2001 to 06/2003
ARW098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,510/1991 to 12/1991
AXW098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,510/1991 to 08/1992
AXX098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,510/1991 to 08/1992
AXY098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,510/1991 to 12/1991
CEU098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,512/1991 to 08/1992
CEV098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,501/1992 to 08/1992
CFZ098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,501/1993 to 12/1994
CGA098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,501/1993 to 12/1994
CGH098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,501/1993 to 12/1994
CGK098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,501/1993 to 12/1994
CHY098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,508/1992 to 12/1992
CHZ098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,508/1992 to 12/1992
CKA098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,508/1992 to 12/1992
CKB098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,508/1992 to 12/1992
CTL098Automatic4 Speed6,1 3,501/1994 to 12/1994
CUF01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1995 to 01/1996
CUG01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1995 to 04/1997
CUH01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1995 to 01/1996
CUJ01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1995 to 01/1996
CUV01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1995 to 01/1996
CWC01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1996 to 04/1997
CWD01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1996 to 04/1997
CWE01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1996 to 04/1997
CWF01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1996 to 04/1997
CWG01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1996 to 04/1997
CWH01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1996 to 04/1997
DKT01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,506/1995 to 01/1996
DLM01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,506/1995 to 04/1997
DML01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1997 to 12/1999
DNA01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,504/1997 to 12/1997
DNB01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,504/1997 to 08/1997
DNC01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,504/1997 to 12/1997
DND01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1997 to 12/1999
DNE01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1997 to 12/1999
DNF01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1997 to 12/1999
DRA01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,501/1997 to 08/1997
DRG01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,510/1997 to 06/2003
DXS01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,504/1998 to 06/2003
EQB01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,511/1999 to 06/2003
EQD01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,511/1999 to 06/2003
EQE01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,511/1999 to 06/2003
EQF01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,511/1999 to 06/2003
EQG01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,511/1999 to 06/2003
EQH01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,511/1999 to 06/2003
EQJ01PAutomatic4 Speed5,25 3,505/2000 to 06/2003